Nov 3, 2010

home water filtration systems

Posted by Admin on Wednesday, November 03, 2010 in , , | No comments
Choosing a good home water filtration system. Water filtration systems at home remove contamination from tap water. The most common use is carbon or reverse osmosis filtration. Look for certification by NSF International, which sets the rules. 

Recommendations on how to find the best home water filtration systems: 

Step 1 - Test your water to see how much and what type of filter you need. 

Step 2 - Decide if you want a faucet-mounted system, which is cheap and easy to install, but requires frequent filter changes or an online system that mounts directly to your plumbing system. The latter is more expensive but more comprehensive, and filter changes only required occasionally. 

Step 3 - Look into an NSF certified carbon filter for either system if the test comes back with chlorine, chloroform, pesticides or organic chemicals. Carbon filters are not effective for lead or other heavy metals, fluoride, chloroform, or some microbial contaminants. 

Step 4 - Consider investing to get an in-line reverse-osmosis home water filtration systems, if your water test sample shows sodium, ferrous iron, nitrates, lead, fluorine or organic contaminants. Note that a reverse osmosis system puts out a limited amount of water and wastes a lot of water (approximately 4 gallons of waste water per gallon of clear water). If the count of calcium in your water is high, you have to use a water softener system. 

Step 5 - Consider a system with a cutoff meter (also known as a performance indication device) that lets you know when it's time to change the filter. 

Tips & Warnings 

1, install a sediment filter before the carbon filter to remove a solid carbon block. 

2 Read product claims for removal and choose a system designed to treat your water conditions. 

3 for more information about water filtration, please contact NSF International at 

4, None of these filter types will solve hard-water problems.


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