Nov 4, 2010

Industrial Steel Tank Automatic

Posted by Admin on Thursday, November 04, 2010 in , | No comments
Industrial Steel Tank Automatic Water Softener systems

The product from Pure Aqua has a steel tank and diaphragm valves. This particular product called Industrial Steel Tank Automatic Water Softener is sized assuming two different parameters, Exchange capacity, that is the quantity of water delivered between regenerations, and Maximum Flow Rate, which is the maximum quantity of water requited at any peak usage period. This exchange capacity depends upon the amount of ion exchange resin in the softener and upon the quantity of salt used for resin regeneration. The maximum flow rate is an important datum in case of non-continuous water delivery. It is measured in gallons per minute (GPM).

The STANDARD FEATURES of this unit:

The Industrial Steel Tank Automatic Water Softener (SF-100S Series) softeners are designed as fully automatic units either with timer or meter control. The timer control initiates softener regeneration at any predetermined time - on any or every day. The metered models start regeneration based on the total gallons used.

The steel mineral tank is engineered for a 100 psi working pressure and is tested to 150 psi. It is equipped with a manhole in the upper dome. The interior of the tank is coated with epoxy for protection against rust and corrosion. The exterior has a rust inhibiting primer coat.

A premium grade sulfonated nonphenolic polystyrene type resin is contained in the mineral tank. The resin will deliver 30,000 grains per cubic foot when brined at a rate of 15 lbs. per cubic foot. The brine tank is a combination of high density polystyrene brine measuring tank and a brine valve, including an air eliminator valve and a safety brine refill shut off to prevent tank overflow.

The automatic regeneration controller features a choice of 7 or 12 day calendar wheels. The time of regeneration and length of time for each regeneration cycle are fully adjustable.

The under drain utilizes either a hub and lateral or a header and a lateral system to evenly distribute water and prevent resin loss, and to insure minimal pressure drop at peak flow rates.

For more technical information about this model, please visit their website.


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