Posted by Admin on Thursday, November 04, 2010 in Reverse osmosis water filtration, water softener system | No comments
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently published report that, no matter where we live in the United States is likely to be some toxic substance in our groundwater. In fact, the agency estimates that one in five Americans, supplied by nation's drinking water systems, consume to tap water that violates safety standards of the EPA under the Clean Water Act.The most transparent solution to water pollution is a point-of-use water purification device. One of them is the reverse osmosis water filtration. The tap water consumed by our families, so this is the logic, and more efficient to prioritize water treatment.
• Different water purification technologies each has strengths and weaknesses, and are especially effective at specific types of impurities or toxins.
• Reverse osmosis and activated carbon filtration are complementary processes.
The combination of results in the most effective treatment against the broadest range of water impurities and contaminants.
• Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification technology that uses normal water pressure in homes to force water through a selective semi-permeable membrane that separates water contaminants. The treated water leaves from the other side of the membrane, and accumulated impurities left behind have been cleaned. Eventually, sediment accumulates along the membrane and needs to be replaced.
• Reverse osmosis is very effective in removing several impurities from water: total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, asbestos, lead and other heavy metals, radium, and many dissolved organics.
• RO is less effective from other substances. The process will remove some pesticides (chlorinated and the organophosphates, but not others), and most heavier-weight volatile organic compounds.
• However, RO is not effective in removing volatile organic compounds lighter weight such as THM (chlorine by product) and TCE (trichlorethylene), and certain pesticides. These compounds are tooRepeated Word small, too light, or the wrong chemical structure to be controlled by a RO membrane.
Note: RO systems have two major drawbacks.
• First, waste a lot of water. They will use anywhere from 3 to 9 liters of water for every gallon of purified water produced. This could be a problem in areas where conservation is a concern, and may be a bit expensive if you're paying for municipal water. Moreover, this wastewater can be recovered or redirected to purposes other than drinking, such as watering the garden, washing the car, etc.
• Secondly, reverse osmosis water is slow: it takes 3 to 4 hours for a residential RO unit to produce one gallon of purified water. The treated water can be removed and stored for later use.
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